Our Services
Return to work (long term)
Where an illness, injury or disability might make it hard to find or keep a job without a bit more help over the longer term the DES-ESS program is here for you. It might be as simple as you want to work but don’t know where to start. You might be anxious, or you might be as keen as can be. Whatever your circumstances we have more time to work with you as an individual in the DES-ESS program. We can use that time to help you overcome any barriers you face and into employment. In the DES-ESS program you can also continue accessing our support for as long as you need it.
Return to work (medium term)
Have you been affected by illness, injury or disability and think it might be good to have some help to return to work? Then our DES-DMS program is here for you. DES-DMS is what is traditionally known as a Vocational Rehabilitation Program. In DES-DMS we will help you to decide whether to change to a different kind of employment to what you’ve done in the past, or if possible, to find new ways to resume the work you know. We have seen some exciting outcomes in this program, as looking forward after a setback creates an opportunity for a fresh start, which can lead to new and exciting things. If this sounds like something we can help you with please don’t hesitate to contact us.
School to work assistance
If you are affected by illness, injury and disability, in your last year of High School and aspire to work, we provide long term help finding work with time unlimited support. Our services are free and will be tailored to your vocational aspirations. If you feel you face some challenges in moving from school to work, that’s OK, we’re here to help you with those to.
Work Assist for Employees
Do you feel like your job security is at risk because an illness, injury or disability is affecting you at work? Our Work Assist Program is here to help you
Work Assist assigns you a Specialist Employment Officer for at least 6 months and up to 1 year to help you overcome the challenges that you are facing at work. If you feel like you could do with some help, then please do act by contacting us soon; we want you to be able to feel secure and valued at work. Your success in keeping your job is the measure of our success. Don’t hesitate with this one.
Work Assist for Employers
Staff turnover gives me a headache! It’s also one thing to recruit somebody well qualified, but another to get them to the place where they know how your business works, understand your systems and own your organizational culture. That’s why we believe that helping an experienced employee who has run into some health related challenges that are impacting on their performance at work is worth the effort; especially when that help is locally available and free to boot. It’s called the Work Assist program. We will assign a Specialist Employment Consultant to work with you and your staff member to help all parties overcome the challenges that are presenting. Please contact us for more information.
*All programs are subject to at least some eligibility criteria. However we are well positioned to advise you regarding these criteria and to assist you to test your eligibility.