
It is our aim to be the DES Provider that you would choose and choose again. We believe we will have the best chance of achieving that if you tell us about your experience. If you liked anything specific about your experience with Kimberley Personnel please let us know, so we know to keep doing it. In the same way, if there is something you didn’t like about your experience we really do want to hear about that as well, so that we can strive to do things better.

Please help us by completing the short survey below and providing the details below.

* Please note: Providing your name is optional: however no response will be provided without a name.

Feedback Form

1. How was your overall experience with Kimberley Personnel?

6. Do you give Kimberley Personnel permission to publish any or all of your feedback as provided in this form either in print or online including in Social Media?

7. If you answered yes to question 6 above; do you also give permission for Kimberley Personnel to refer to you using your name when publishing your feedback, or should we keep it anonymous?

8. Would you like to receive a response to the information you have provided in this feedback?

9 + 15 =

*In giving permission at question 7 you agree to hold Kimberley Personnel harmless from any legal challenges that might arise from any party as a result of the publication of the feedback as permitted by you in this form.