Are You Looking for Staff?
Information for businesses, companies and employers
It can be hard to attract the perfect person to fill vacancies in Broome. It is also a fact that demand is higher in the dry season than it is in the wet season in many industries. As a result many local employers turn to back packers and visa holders to meet their labour needs. This can have an upside, but also a downside. The biggest downside is actually the impact that this has within our own community with local people being left un- or under-employed.
The majority of clients’ registered with Kimberley Personnel live in Broome and will still be here in years to come. Investing in the employment of local people who come with free support from Kimberley Personnel is a very positive way to make a contribution in our community.
A major part of our role is to identify, prepare and refer potential candidates for employment with your company who are well matched to the role. We then work with them and you as their employer to make their employment a success. The support that we provide is tailored to your needs as an employer and to those of the employee for as long as it’s required.
Our support in some cases is minimal for example monitoring and mentoring the new employee as they settle into their new role; or it can be quite in depth. For example: arranging workplace modifications, providing assistance with onboarding and training, or providing some training to co-workers; ultimately though it will be whatever is required to make it work well for all parties.
In many cases we can arrange work trials or provide insurances for work experience so that you can make an informed decision regarding the suitability of your potential employee. Of course in some cases there are also incentives such as wage subsidies. We can usually help the applicant to meet any employment pre-requisites such as first aid certificates or licenses to perform High Risk Work etc.
We would be very happy to come to your workplace to learn how your business works, to learn what your labour needs are; and to answer any questions that you might have about our services. Please do contact us to arrange a suitable time.